Posted by on Jun 18, 2018 in Breathing Facts, Fitness | 0 comments

Breathwork Techniques Boost Mental State

Breathwork helps by controlling the air in the body which aids in boosting the mental state. Breathing abnormally or lack of air may cause a person to become agitated easily. When the body receives less oxygen it suffers from a condition called hypoxia, which leads to decrease in the working of the nervous system and the brain, which in turn results in clouded thoughts, blurry vision (which can be prevented with the help of an ophthalmologist in Melbourne at the Dr Anton van Heerden clinic), and stiffening of muscles.

Yoga is one popular and effective way to control your breathing and boost mental state, but there are other breathwork techniques too that will help to boost the mental state these are:

breathing techniques

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a beneficial exercise for high anxiety. Anxiety has a complex cause and that’s because of different factors such as school, job, traumas, dental anxiety, etc. Dental anxiety is a big problem with patients who have issues with their dental health. Taking deep breaths has a peaceful effect on the body. There are many kinds of deep breathing techniques, but the easiest one is while being seated on a chair keeping your back straight, inhale with deep and slow breaths which last of five to six seconds. Then hold it for some seconds and then exhale slowly via the mouth for about seven seconds. Repeat the procedure for 10 times.

Advanced Deep Breathing

This technique is a more advanced version of the previous one and can take some time to master. It’s suggested for people who suffer from panic attacks or severe anxiety. This exercise needs to be done in a quiet place. The position for the exercise will be the same as a deep breathing technique. To perform this exercise you will have to track your heartbeat to ensure the beats are in rhythm. To begin with, inhale while counting five heartbeats then hold your breath while counting seven heartbeats and lastly exhale while counting nine heartbeats.

Belly Breathingmeditating

Belly breathing is just the natural way of breathing as is done by people when they are asleep. Many people do not follow this technique as they are accustomed to holding their stomach or wear tight clothes. This is a nice way of enhancing your capacity of taking deep breaths.

By using the above methods you can achieve peacefulness of your mind and body when going through anxiety. These are simple techniques that can be done anywhere. Through breathwork one can slowly develop these techniques which can enhance breathing patterns and relax the mind in times of agitation; in doing so your well-being will improve a lot. This breathwork techniques can help you to boost the mental state if you follow them to the latter.

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