Charcot-Marie-Tooth, usually known as CMT, is one of the most inherited neurological disorder. It affects the peripheral nervous system. The symptoms that are observed include loss of muscle and sensation in various parts of the body. It is a long term progressive disorder that may also make, speaking or swallowing difficult.
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease and breathing problems
Charcot marie tooth disease and breathing problems come together as the diaphragm is innervated by the nephric nerve. Proper breathing requires coordination of several muscles like the diaphragm, bulbar muscles, inter-coastal muscles, and abdominal muscles. When these muscles are damaged in CMT, the ability of breathing is compromised. When the nephric nerve stops functioning properly, symptoms like weakness, postural discomfort, sleep apnea, etc are observed.
Signs of breathing problems include weak cough and hypercapnia
Hypercapnia is a condition in which your body retent carbon dioxide. This is usually observed during the night. when you lie flat. The abdomen compresses the diaphragm and full expansion of the chest is not achieved for breathing. This results in incomplete exhalation of carbon dioxide. This causes fatigue, restlessness, concentration issues and headaches. In intense conditions of carbon dioxide buildup, you may even black out and lose consciousness.
A BiPAP machine can be used at night for natural breathing and helps in taking deep breaths while sleeping. This helps in exhaling the excess carbon dioxide. Ventilator support is needed when the condition worsens.
Weak cough is caused by weak respiratory muscles. When the patient doesn’t have an effective cough, this causes the mucus to build up in the lungs. This causes bacteria to be trapped in the lungs and prevents the flow of oxygen into the lungs. This can be overcome by assisted coughing by someone else or a machine called Cough Assist.
Even though charcot marie tooth disease and breathing problem is rarely fatal, it can prove to be life-threatening. Timely treatment can prevent it from getting worse and regain your health.