Heavy breathing is breathing that deep or difficult and hence is audible. IT may have come to your notice that when you climb a few flights of stairs or run, you start to breathe heavier and harder due to the increased need of oxygen of your body. But breathing heavy when the body is not moving is a sign that your body is working harder to get the usual amount of oxygen needed by the body as well. This may be due to the reason that less air is going through the nose and mouth and towards the bloodstream. The most common cause of this shortage of oxygen is stuffed nose, lung disorder or even severe diseases like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Visit this link drbondidentists.com.au to know from their professionals how heavy breathing can affect your oral health.
Heavy breathing can be treated, although, treatment depends on the cause of the heavy breathing. Given below are few remedies to treat heavy breathing.
- Heavy breathing due to cold, sinus infections, respiratory infections
a) If there is a swollen nasal passage, nasal decongestants or nasal sprays can help to reduce the swelling, hence removing the air blockage.
b) Antihistamines can also be used to bring down increases inflammation of nasal passage.
c) Antibiotics can be used in case of infections, although, antibiotics can’t cure viral infections.
- Heavy breathing due to lung conditions like asthma and COPD
a) Corticosteroids and bronchodilators can help to reduce inflammations caused in the air passage.
b) Therapies such as pulmonary rehabilitation which includes exercises combined with nutritional advice can also be helpful.
c) Oxygen therapy is another way to stop heavy breathing.
- Heavy breathing due to obesity
a) Obesity is the root of multiple diseases.
b) Obesity can cause your heart and lungs to dysfunction and hence causing heavy breathing.
c) In this case, one should try to control their eating habits, start exercising.
d) In extreme cases, a visit to the doctor is advisable.