Nose tip surgery as an alternative to rhinoplasty

Posted by on Feb 18, 2019 in Featured | 0 comments

Nose tip surgery as an alternative to rhinoplasty

The shape of a person’s nose affects his or her facial appearance, personal and professional life especially in jobs which involve interaction with a large number of people. In many cases, the facial appearance can also affect the self-esteem of the person since taking selfies and photos has become extremely popular in the last decade. Hence many people, especially younger people consider undergoing rhinoplasty to modify their nose surgically. If you are interested in undergoing rhinoplasty, go to AurhinoplastySydney team of experienced surgeons to know more about rhinoplasty. However, rhinoplasty is an expensive and risky procedure since the nose is an important organ, so those who only wish to alter the tip of their nose can opt for the less risky nose tip surgery.

The nose is used for breathing. However, the shape, size, length, straightness of the nose bridge, and the nostrils all affect the appearance of a person. Many people are mainly satisfied with the shape of their nose. However, they do not like the tip of their nose. So increasingly cosmetic surgeons in Rhinoplasty Sydney Cost clinic are advising their customers who wish to undergo rhinoplasty, to consider inexpensive options like surgery only on the tip of the nose. This tip surgery is recommended mainly for those who are not satisfied with their nose tip shape, nostril shape or nostril flares. However, like all surgery, it is an invasive procedure with some risks involved.

nose tip surgeryA major advantage of nose tip surgery is that the healing time after the surgery is usually less compared to full rhinoplasty. However it is not recommended for those who have sleep apnea, or trouble breathing easily, at night. The surgery will also not help those who have a crooked nose. The criteria for having a tip surgery are as follows:

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