Sleep apnea affects one in four Americans. Excess weight is one of the main reasons why a person is affected by this broken and challenging health condition. Although treatment depends on the severity of the situation, the cause of onset plays a vital role in the choice of treatment. Regardless of the state of the disease, doctors recommend weight loss as the first step to improvement. Along with physical exercises, diet control, etc., the patient is also advised to make sleep apnea as part of weight loss initiatives.
There are dental appliances that can help in sleep apnea but you should consult your dentist; he is the specialist to provide the best solution for you. You can also visit the website of Drinvisalign_perth_clinic to find out about orthodontic treatments that can help with sleep disturbance.
What are these exercises?
Sleep specialists recommend exercises that include the tongue and soft palate to reduce the severity of moderate sleep apnea, according to a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory Care and Critical Care.
However, many do not know what these exercises are about and how they help. When we talk about obesity, we usually think of the visible parts of the body that lose shape, like the abdomen, thighs, etc. However, obesity can also affect the invisible parts of the body. For example, the muscles of the throat, neck, and tongue can accumulate, become directly involved in breathing exercises for sleep apnea and become weak and soft. This, in turn, makes them prone to collapse during sleep.
Fortunately, the accumulation of excess fat can be controlled, and the muscles relax and strengthen again with the help of special exercises designed to concentrate exclusively on these specific areas.
What role does obesity play?
Sleep apnea and weight gain are closely related. On the one hand, obesity leads to the onset, during the disease, and the patient also gains an increase in weight, which then becomes a symptom and a post-condition effect.
Weight gain is part of the disease for several reasons: lack of sleep causes the pain of abnormal hunger that makes the patient eat irrationally. Secondly, sleep apnea negatively affects the functioning of two important hormones related to appetite and leptin. Any permanent disorder leads to weight gain.
The relationship ultimately is catastrophic for the patient who, unless weight-bearing initiatives are taken by war, can not be expected to achieve any desired therapeutic action.
What do these exercises?
The primary objective of such exercises is to tone and strengthen the muscles of the nose, ear, and throat that belong to the throat, nose, and mouth. These include singing, didgeridoo toys, jaw exercises, chewing gum, yawns, yoga, etc.
While there are specific programs to work in different places of the muscles of respiration, the choice depends entirely on which of these muscles needs toning. The best person to decide this matter is the doctor who handles the condition.
However, one must have realistic expectations of such efforts because they can not help recover from this situation. It must be done regularly, according to the medical instructions for at least three months before there is a noticeable improvement in the case. Its objective is to be complementary to the treatment of the main line.
For example, if the patient is advised to do a removal of excess tissue from the airway or to reposition the barrier deviation, surgery may open the airway during breathing exercises for sleep apnea without obstruction, but even so, it should be practice continue sleep apnea in order to reduce the accumulation of excess fat in the muscles of respiration.