Posted by on Apr 26, 2019 in Respiratory problems | 0 comments

Thunderstorm Asthma

Asthma is a problem associated with breathing whereby it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe in air. During a thunderstorm, the dust pollen count in the air rises exponentially. This can lead to an asthma attack which is called thunderstorm asthma. The broken pollen particles are extremely small in size and can be inhaled easily. It is not an easy task to keep these harmful particles away from your lungs. Ones they are inhaled for a longer period of time they could lead to extreme problems related to the lungs. It is highly recommended to contact a specialist right away as this can create breathing complications not only to asthma patients but also to those who don’t have any history of asthma attack.

The symptoms can be shortness of breath, congestion around chest, cough and rapid breathing. One can feel complete loss of breath during as asthmatic attack and if the patient is not treated immediately then it can prove to be fatal also. In some situation the color of face and lips also turns pale. If any such condition arises then you must rush for medical support. thunderstorm asthma

Inhalers can be used to bring relief during an attack. In some critical cases medication is required. Some pills can be useful if inhalers aren’t helping.  As it is said “prevention is better than cure”. One must be very cautious during a weather change especially during thunderstorms or windy weather. If possible one should remain indoors and close all the windows till the bad weather subsides. Masks can be of great help for people with asthma history and even for people without any such medical history. Keeping these things in mind, complications related to the lungs can be avoided and thunderstorm asthma can be fought. Breathing exercises are also helpful in strengthening of the lungs thereby helping to fight against any of the diseases related to the respiratory system.

Thunderstorm asthma patients has been very few in the past but their numbers are increasing day by day and now they can be found across the different continents of the world.

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