Why Are My Teeth Sensitive? (5 Causes And Impact On Breathing)

Posted by on Aug 30, 2020 in Dentistry | 0 comments

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive? (5 Causes And Impact On Breathing)

Many people have different ways to protect their gums and teeth. Very few individuals, for that matter, may overlook the ins and outs of dental health. Oral hygiene can have various factors that disrupt a person’s healthy smile. Teeth sensitivity is one of the many examples of why professional treatments like teeth whitening still have disadvantages. Problems in dental fillings can also cause teeth sensitivity. You can learn why by clicking here for more information. On the other hand, if you want to discover additional facts about your teeth and answer the question, “Why are my teeth sensitive?” check these particulars.  


Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

Are you in pain right now for having too sensitive teeth or gums? If you haven’t looked under the mirror, you may want to check yellow or brown spots. Sometimes, too hot or too cold and acidic food and drinks can start stinging sensations for the nerves and soft tissues. Dental experts explain the causes of sensitive teeth common for all ages. Kids, teens, adults, and seniors may have several reasons for teeth sensitivity, but most of them have prevention. 


Underlying Cavities, Plaque, Or Tartar

Cavities and plaque can destroy the essence of what makes a tooth strong. Any present bacteria on the surface of teeth can ruin dentin and enamel. These two minerals help make teeth strong and fight off bacteria buildup. But, if the cavities and plaque continue to persist in a person’s teeth, it can lead to tooth decay. A dental risk is not far from happening for people who postpone their appointments. 


Cracked Or Chipped Tooth 

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive Reasons

Dental emergencies like a cracked or chipped tooth can also cause teeth sensitivity. If your teeth have gaps or cracks, food debris can get stuck and start to feed germs and bacteria inside your mouth. Significantly, a dental abscess can grow into the tooth’s root. Be careful about which foods you eat, such as hard meat, candy, or chewing on pencils or ice cubes. Any reason for emergency care must have immediate solutions to prevent complications in the tooth. 


Teeth Grinding 

Breathing or sleeping disorders like sleep apnea or bruxism can cause teeth grinding at night. Sleep apnea tends to relax the muscles for breathing, which causes teeth to bite frequently. Terrible discomfort when waking up can also cause side – effects like bad breath, stress, and anxiety.


Using Hard Bristles For Toothbrush

Stiff bristles can damage the nerves and soft tissues that hold teeth in place. Once the gums bleed or swell, it may result in further inflammation or infection. The worst side effect of not using soft bristles for a toothbrush is gum recession. Gum recession is a dental problem with exposed bones inside the gums to bacteria, food debris, and harmful substances. Your dentist can check if you are using the right products to make your dental hygiene more comfortable and safer. 


Too Much Teeth Whitening 

No matter if you’re making your pearly smiles shine by an in-office or a DIY home treatment, constant teeth whitening can make gums and teeth sensitive. Alongside these treatments, a whitening toothpaste without the right amount of ingredients for hydrogen peroxide can damage the enamel layer on a tooth’s surface. If you’re still looking for a cosmetic enhancement from a dentistry specialist, make sure that you schedule your whitening and check if your sensitivity is recurring. 


Dangers Of Not Treating Sensitive Teeth

Gum disease can start from neglected sensitive teeth. Sensitivity may occur at any time, whether day or night. So, if you want to prevent tooth sensitivity complications, make sure that you visit a dentist soon if you see these symptoms:


Why Are My Teeth Sensitive Treatment

  • Bleeding and swelling gums
  • Loose Tooth
  • Repetitive headaches and migraine
  • Ear, head, and neck pain
  • Sudden sharp tooth pain that becomes dull or phantom


There is a high chance of acquiring a severe oral health disease like periodontitis or gum recession if you don’t visit your dentist for an appointment. You may want to check your teeth for early symptoms of teeth sensitivity. Notably, those with months of not having a dental check-up may need to clean their teeth to prevent tartar and calculus buildup. 


Can A Dentistry Specialist Answer Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Tooth sensitivity is treatable, and there are many approaches to prevent your pearls from becoming sensitive. However, the best option to save time is by visiting an oral healthcare provider. Not only can dentists analyze “why are my teeth sensitive.” But there are also treatments to prevent recurring symptoms of sensitive teeth. 


  • Replacement Of Dental Fillings And Sealants

A broken tooth can have sealants and dental fillings to prevent exposed tooth roots. Broken sealants caused by hot or cold food, an accident, or an injury needs proper repair. If your fillings are loose or you have a crown that got misplaced, go to an emergency oral care clinic right away.


  • Toothpaste For Sensitive Tooth

While you brush your tooth and floss it the right way, toothpaste for sensitive teeth can decrease your previous pain. You may ask your dentist how many times a day, you need to apply this product to specific tooth areas. Also, you can feel better by rinsing with mouthwash to avoid a further issue.


  • Mouthguards

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive Prevention

Breathing problems may have many causes that lead to sensitive teeth. Especially if that person is suffering from sleep apnea. Snoring patients are not the only ones that benefit from using mouthguards. It is common to hear from a dentist to wear mouthguards to prevent sensitive teeth. You may ask for a customized guard according to your teeth’s structure.


How Can Dental Problems Affect A Person’s Breathing?

What’s the relationship between breathwork and dental health? According to research, breathing issues are common for people with missing teeth or gum inflammation. Moreover, exploring beyond, why are my teeth sensitive, can save you from comorbidities that illnesses can do to the body. Once you’re finished with your diagnosis for sensitive teeth, you may want to visit a general physician to know if you have underlying respiratory concerns

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