You might think getting dental implants can rid you of dental problems. But you are wrong. There are still perils even after such a procedure. One of them is peri-implantitis. It affects both soft and hard tissue around your dental implants. Potentially it can be very destructive. Your soft tissues will be inflamed and the bone on which your dental implant is implanted will suffer density loses over time. If you’re considering dental implants, the most important thing you can do to ensure you get a proper treatment is to see the right dentist. Dental implants in Melbourne at Glenferrie Dental is proven to be of high success rate over the years. In the meantime, here are some more information about peri-implantitis.
When peri-implantitis occurs, the gum and bone issues can be tricky to spot. It presents itself different from patient to patient. One of the first signs is bleeding from your implants while you brush your teeth. Bleeding, along with swelling or reddening of areas around your dental implants should never happen. The worst stage of this disease is bone loss. Your dentist will check for bone loss with a radiogram. Without proven bone loss you will not get a peri-implantitis diagnosis.The biggest threats that could lead to such a dental problem are building up of plaque, due to poor dental hygiene.The science isn’t totally sure what causes the direct risk for this issue. There are real risk factors, for example:
Poor plaque control – your dentist might clean your soft tissue but you might be doing a poor job in between visits. Be sure to floss and rinse regularly.
Not enough visits to the dentist– The dentist is the first and only person who can help you with this issue. He will start saving your dental implants at the right time. Visit him on a regular basis.
There is another risk factor that could potentially lead to dental problems. For example:
The implant could get overloaded
Cardiovascular diseases
Peri-implantitis is a condition that should be taken seriously even at the first symptom. If you have red or bleeding gums around your dental implants be sure to dash to your dentist right away.