Breathing is something we automatically do to survive, so most of us do not think twice about it. It is quite natural to breathe through the mouth in certain terms such as when running or lifting heavy objects, but if breathing occurs through the mouth normally it can lead to many health problems. These problems can be particularly severe for children, as oral breathing can affect the long-term development of the face and jaw.
Other breathing treatments recently shows that nose job may also help, for that visit www.rhinoplastysydneycost.com.au.
Oral breathing can lead to many health problems, especially dental health problems. When we breathe through the mouth, there is a loss of saliva and dry mouth and this can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum inflammation.
Also, the breathing of the mouth can lead to changes in the jaw and facial growth. The natural resting position of the tooth is above the roof of the mouth to compensate for the force of the cheeks, but when the person breathes through the mouth, the tongue decreases. This leads to a narrowing of the upper jaw and elongation of the lower jaw, leading to a long and narrow face shape. Because of narrowing of the jaws, tooth congestion, problems of hyperhidrosis, and poor occlusion can be seen.
Mouth breathing treatments
If you are constantly looking for ways to help you solve this problem, you have reached the right place. I’ve listed 4 ways to treat bad breath that can definitely get a good result.
Brush your teeth every day
You might say you’ve already done this but how often do you brush your teeth? If you clean your teeth only in the early morning, you need more guidance. Bad breath is usually caused by germs and bacteria that contain inside the mouth. The bacteria will begin to return again after a few hours, which is why brushing once a day is not enough.
You need to clean your teeth at least twice a day. Or better yet, clean your teeth after a heavy meal. This can ensure that your breath stays fresh all the time. Choose the appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste to get the optimum result.
Drink 8 glasses of water every single day
Water is an essential part of your body. Without it, you will feel dry and weak. Not having enough water will make your mouth feel dry. Dry mouth is usually smelly. why? When you do not drink enough water, there is not enough moisture inside the mouth to remove the adherent bacteria on your teeth and tongue.
Anyone can do this bad breath treatment. If you are lazy to drink water, no one can help you treat bad breath.
Eat with less protein
Protein is an important part of the growth of body tissues. However, eating too much can cause bad breath. Food like steak and chicken has a high intake of protein. Try to control your food intake to prevent your mouth from getting a bad smell.
It is better to eat more vegetables and fruits because this type of food contains a lot of minerals and vitamins inside. Not to mention that they contain additional water suitable for your health. Consult your dentist
Another is best to advise you on a bad breathing problem instead of your dentist. Usually, a dentist can instantly find out your problem and will advise you on the correct way to solve your bad breath problem.
Sometimes, a dentist can provide you with more information about bad breathing products that ensure work. The best part is the dentist will not cost you that much for one consultation and some may offer a free consultation.
Bad breath therapy is relatively simple once the underlying cause is determined. Having a new refresher will increase your confidence in talking to other people without fear of people moving away from you.
Sometimes even after removing the airway obstruction, oral breathing still exists as it is becoming accustomed to. If this is the case, dysfunctional therapy can help along with breathing exercises and specific muscle exercises in the creation of nasal breathing. Exercises that aim to strengthen facial muscles with certain oral organs that promote nasal breathing and thus can help in proper growth and facial development. This is imperative for young children because they are still in their developmental stages.
Oral breath is a serious problem that can affect public health and dental health. Our role as a dental practitioner is to identify and treat oral respiration early, especially in children, and refer to appropriate specialists if necessary. The earlier this condition, the greater the likelihood of reversing the effects. This means healthier lives, faces, natural specifications and a beautiful and healthy smile.