Emergencies can develop even when you least expect it. The typical emergency such as choking, suffocation, drowning, electrocution, poisoning, and inhalation of smoke or other dangerous substances result in breathing problems. Breathing equipment can be used from the fire service to those working in confined spaces. These equipment are essential in assuring the safety of users in often extremely toxic and dangerous environments. During breathing emergencies, there are many factors to consider when choosing this equipment. These include making sure that the apparatus in question has a good inhalation connection, a pressure tank, pressure regulator, and an appropriate carrying frame if necessary. Find out more about these breathing emergencies to learn more about it.
The first factor in the list is a good inhalation connection from the breathing equipment. The types of inhalation connection vary depending on the functionality of the apparatus and typically include both masks and mouthpieces. Mouthpieces are generally easy to fit, but they don’t protect other parts of the face when being used. Full face masks provide complete face protection but are bulkier than mouthpieces. Different types of masks cover only the mouth, instead of the whole face. In both cases, a professional breathing equipment fitting service is necessary to make sure the correct shape and size mask is used to create an effective seal.
Basic techniques used during breathing emergencies include CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and Heimlich Maneuver. Heimlich Maneuver is mostly used for choking victims while CPR is used o facilitate breathing and the flow of blood to the victim’s brain.