Holotropic breathwork is a technique that allows practitioners to use special methods of breathing to access altered states of consciousness. It is often compared to the use of psychedelic substances, due to the fact that altered breathing can cause the brain to secrete a variety of chemicals that are different than the molecules in a normally functioning brain. These molecules, it is said, are often similar or identical to those found in some psychedelic drugs and thus change the way the brain works.
Holotropic breathwork is not just another new age fad. The practice has been supported by several recent studies as a form of therapy for trauma and anxiety. It consists of extended periods of heavy, full breathing accompanied by music, which is one of the most important parts of the experience. Usually, there is a follow-up session of drawing mandalas or talking about the experience, which is often intense and emotional.
Music is absolutely vital to the practice of holotropic breathing. Music serves to set the mood and the rhythm of the session, therefore the music used needs to closely mimic the natural patterns of human breathing and the beating of the human heart. It cannot be too slow, as much other therapy or meditation music is because it needs to complement the fast breathing necessary for holotropic breathing.
The holotropic breathwork music is often broken into three parts, also referred to as hours. The first hour is usually dedicated to the body and focuses on getting the practitioner deep into the altered state of consciousness. The second hour is focused on the release of emotion and focuses primarily on emotional music. The third hour attempts to integrate the entire experience, often using chants or nature sounds to facilitate the return from the altered state and the self-analysis that happens upon that return.