Asthma in children can be one of the most annoying problems, as it’s perhaps one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose and treat, especially in young children. The paediatrician will have to see the medical history along with the frequency and intensity of symptoms to form an opinion. Despite all of the studies, investigations, and observations, asthma can still be very difficult to diagnose because there are many other conditions like the following that have similar symptoms. Visit this website https://beyondinfinitydental.com.au/ for other medical information.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Paediatric Asthma
There are some tests like the Spirometry or Lung Function Test, Exhaled Nitric Oxide Test, etc that can give a fair indication of asthma in children. However, these tests aren’t 100% accurate and moreover, there’s no test for children below 5 years. The paediatrician has to rely on the case history, symptoms and your inputs to form his/her opinion in most cases. Paediatric asthma treatment involves treatment for symptoms as well as the condition itself and there are broadly following two types of methodologies for treatment.
A. Long-term Medications
There are several options available in this category of treatment like:
- Leukotriene Modifiers
- Inhaled Corticosteroids
- Combination Inhalers
- Immunomodulators
- Theophylline
B. Rescue Medications
The likely side-effects of long-term medications on infants and toddlers below 3 years are not yet established and hence, these medications are best avoided in young children. There are some quick relief medications that may be required in emergency cases and provide immediate relief from a sudden severe attack. Some most popular ones in this category are:
- Intravenous or Oral Corticosteroids
- Beta Agonists
C. Other Medications
Apart from the above major categories, there are some medications for treating allergy-induced paediatric asthma. The following treatments mainly target to treat the allergies and thereby help your child against asthma, if it’s caused by some allergy:
- Immuno-therapy
- Allergy Medications
- Omalizumab (Xolair)
D. Lifestyle Changes
Asthma is a condition that can be controlled to minimize its effects on children through certain simple lifestyle changes. Few steps that can reduce the chances of an asthma attack in children (as well as adults) are:
- Ensure Clean Indoor Air – Use small particle filters etc.
- Keep Humidity Low – Dehumidifiers can be helpful.
- Reduce Dust – Use dust-proof covers for pillows, mattresses, etc.
- Avoid Pets – Pet dander can induce allergy in some children.
- Encourage Use of Face-masks Outside.
- Teach and Practice Breathing Techniques – Pranayama, Papworth method, etc have been found to be of great help.
- Meditation and Relaxation – These reduce stress and relax the muscles thereby avoiding asthma attacks.
Given the difficulties in diagnosis, unknown side-effects of popular medications and a variety of stimuli that can induce an attack, Paediatric asthma management is not simple. It requires an active and continuous involvement from the paediatrician, the patient (most difficult aspect) and the parents/guardians. However, with simple lifestyle changes and timely consultation with specialist, it’s possible to keep it in check.